Simon adores ALPES

The first ever time I went abroad, I travelled to the French ski town of St Gervais-les-Bains (see link) which by an incredible coincidence is one of my names.

Anyway, I fell in love with both St. Gervais and with Les Alpes generally.  So here are just a few pictures giving a flavour of my love of mountains.  In the last couple of years, I have also visited the Italian part of the Alpine chain known as the Dolomites and a page is available for you to view.

click pictures for a larger image

The Old White Mountain

Sommet du Mont Blanc

Dent du Geant above Mer de Glace

Dent du Geant towers above Mer de Glace

Looking down to Zermatt
 Looking down to Zermatt from Matterhorn (3500m)

It isnt always sunny - Col du Balme
It isn't always sunny:  Col du Balme (1750m)


Snow, Mountains, Grass, Chalets, J'adore Les Alpes
Alpine scene

Chalet 1141 "Le Mouret" at La Gruvaz
Chalet 1141:  "Le Mouret"

In the mountains:  By Cable Car
Into the Peaks:  By Cable Car
Viewing the peaks by Helicopter
Into the Peaks:  By Helicopter
Le Cervin <<Matterhorn>>  with M. et Mme Gonthier
Le Cervin, avec Meme et Pepe
The Italian side of Monte Blanc
Monte Bianco (4804m)
Simon Standing at 12600feet
12,600 feet,
and I suffer from Vertigo !
The tiny Helicopter I flew around Mont Blanc
My tiny Helicopter
For even more pictures To main Web Site

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